Edmonds College Affiliation
Parent Education Credits
If you are new to the co-op system, you might be unaware that you will also be learning right along with your child. All adult co-op members are registered with Edmonds College and earn parent education credits.
What does this mean for you?
As a parent, you will be learning about early childhood development through your time spent working in the classroom. Additionally, during our monthly membership meetings on the 4th Tuesday of the month, you’ll take part in breakout sessions with the other parents in your class, led by your Parent Educator.
Parent Educators
Our Parent Educators are specialists in early childhood education and development as well as parent education. They will guide you and your fellow parents through techniques for handling hurdles and celebrating milestones typical of your child’s age. As all parents of little ones can attest, having someone to turn to for guidance and support during these early years can be such a help.