Our classes
2/3's Class
9:30-11:30 AM Monday and Wednesday
The 2's class meets two days a week. Snack is provided by a different parent each day and is rotated throughout the month. Each parent works one day per week, a buddy parent is chosen who works on the opposite day as a go-to person for your child. Our teacher provides a gentle pace where children can gain confidence while learning. Routine is important at this age. The child’s job is to play, and they learn an amazing amount while doing so. Morning circle is a consistent routine and all activities are presented before the child “makes a plan” for the day.
No field trips are held, however, our teacher organizes several on-campus events including a pumpkin-finding day.
3/4's Class
9:15-11:30AM, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
Through play the young children begin to develop a lifelong love of learning. Playful exploration accompanied by some guidance from the teacher and parents promotes the development of social skills, emotional intelligence, scientific inquiry, literacy, mathematics, a variety of sensory experiences, dramatic play, drawing and writing skills, creative expression, and large and small motor skills. The majority of the class time is devoted to choice play.
The class meets outside the classroom for field trips most months of the school year. We also enjoy bringing guests, like librarians, from our community into the classroom with new and different experiences.
To best prepare our children for the transition to kindergarten they are encouraged to be more independent and self-directed as part of the daily routine. Pre-kindergarten and developmentally appropriate activities are included in all areas of the classroom, including choice time, small group and large group times.
Activities throughout the year include, letter/sound of the week using Handwriting Without Tears (consistent with Edmonds School District), math activities and small groups including counting, operations, patterns, sequencing and geometry, science, STEM and STEAM, literacy drawing stories (consistent with Edmonds School District), Second Step social and emotional curriculum, Brain Dance (large motor and fine motor work and games), and 45-55 minutes of choice play/work time each day!